
Anyone know which versions of Microsoft Office ...

2022年11月11日 — MS Office and Mojave: A. 32-bit Incompatibility: You likely have the 32-bit version installed. 64-bit is what you need. Catalina is 64-bit; 32- ...

How to install Office 365 at home on a Mac (Mojave ...

How to install Office 365 at home on a Mac (Mojave operating system). 1/ Open a web browser and go to https://www.office.com. 2/ Click on the “sign in” button.

Install Microsoft 365 Apps on a Mac - askIT

Click on the Install Office, which will download the M365 install package. Once the download process has finished it should automatically open the Welcome ...

mac mojave(10.14.6)如何重新下載office

2022年9月26日 — 有購買過office 2016家用版,若直接從帳戶內下載office會顯示需要10.15以上版本,但因其他軟體使用需求無法將mac更新,也沒辦法從app store下載之前使用 ...

Microsoft 365 for Mac OS MOjave 10.14.6

2022年12月2日 — I have just purchased Microsoft 365 for Mac but I can't install it on my MacOS Mojave 10.14.6. Is there any version for my operative system I can download?

Microsoft office 365 and Mojave

2022年4月19日 — Just wanted to say that I have now followed the earlier advice of installing office 365 v16.54.0 and it works with Mojave fine. Very happy.

Microsoft Office 家用及學生版2021 (1 部Mac)

Microsoft Office 家用及學生版2021 提供傳統型Office app 與電子郵件,適合使用一部Mac 的家庭及中小企業使用。立即在apple.com 線上購買。

微軟Office for mac 正式支援「暗化深色風格」

微軟的Office for mac版本,也開始搭上macOS Mojave 10.14的深色風格(Dark Mode)浪潮,終於在最新版本16.20開始,也已經讓 Word、Excel、PowerPoint 及Outlook 軟體風格能 ...

關於macOS 10.14專用Microsoft Office 2019的所有資訊

2022年11月1日 — 目前Mac OS 10 .14專用Office 2019只兼容Mac OS Mojave和Mac OS High Sierra。一般情況下,當一個Mac專用新的Office發佈時,它只支援當前的Mac OS版本和前 ...


2022年11月11日—MSOfficeandMojave:A.32-bitIncompatibility:Youlikelyhavethe32-bitversioninstalled.64-bitiswhatyouneed.Catalinais64-bit;32- ...,HowtoinstallOffice365athomeonaMac(Mojaveoperatingsystem).1/Openawebbrowserandgotohttps://www.office.com.2/Clickonthe“signin”button.,ClickontheInstallOffice,whichwilldownloadtheM365installpackage.Oncethedownloadprocesshasfinisheditshouldautomaticallyopenth...